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Starting Over: Tips for Beginning a New Chapter in Your Life.

Updated: Feb 8

A Comprehensive Guide on How to Make a Fresh Start

and Become the Best Version of Yourself.

Honestly, I cannot remember the amount of times I started over in Life. Whether it was out of free will or not having any other choice. Those close to me say often: "It amazes me how you always get back on your feet, and keep manifesting! How do you do it?"

In this blogpost I will share THIRTEEN TIPS to manage your life and yourself while starting over and make sure that the new version of You is (even) better than the last one, with at the end a unique and very powerful new methodology that ignites and supports Transformation and Rebirth.

Because there is nothing more Satisfying than seeing Yourself Evolve , is there?

garden of araina - transform your life

Rebirth as a Life Path

My life's path - my Soul's Purpose - is to help people Transform, Rebirth and Transcend. At any stage in Life, on whichever level: spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically,... "The Queen of Rebirth" they say.

I firmly believe that One's mastery is also meant to be One's pitfall. That which One is best in, is what keeps reappearing - on multiple levels - in the form of a "test", a learning curve. And when One passes these tests, One receives valuable knowledge to pass through and so help others. Therefore, Rebirthing has become a habit for me - a routine, even - in various experiences, on multiple levels and of different sizes and impacts.

I find Rebirthing enjoyable, invigorating, interesting, ... but nonetheless challenging each time again.

Transformation and Transcendence towards a more beneficial state of being is definitely not for the faint of heart, and requires a lot of Courage, Perseverance, Focus and Devotion.

The tips I share in this blog post, are the ones I apply whenever a new chapter is about to begin.

They help me get through the transcendence in ease and grace - no matter what - emerging on the other side refreshed, rejuvenated and more expansive than ever before.

My last Rebirth was the biggest one ever. It lasted for about three years and it touched all levels in my life simultaneously: my career, my relationships, my identity, my health, my home... all fell apart all at once:

Hackers taking over my online business, narcissistic friends and lovers, stalkers invading my homes through which I had to move multiple times, scheming and scamming business partners, jealous souls talking badly about me on social media, students copying my work and making it their own or falsely saying they graduated and are now spreading my work under false light, ... It brought me to a state of burnout and the entire sense of security and stability I had built up with so much work, focus and effort seemed to be completely dissolving.

And there was nothing I could do - or really wanted to do - to stop that particular life from dissolving.

Even though it was one thing after another, overlapping, without any breathing space.

I felt defeated and exhausted yet excited at the same time.

I felt like all my dreams were becoming undone...

Yet simultaneously that "The Dream" was only just about to begin...

Araina Sanctuary - Antwerp Belgium - Genetic Key Code Alchemy

I saw clearly that the life I had built, was a perfect manifestation from my old self, necessary for that phase of my journey, but no longer serving the highest good for further evolution. Time to move on, once again.

It was more of a surprise in how that chapter was closing; like the big fireworks climaxing at the end of the show. So loud and shocking, over-stimulating all senses, yet intensely beautiful.

As I am writing this blog post, I have landed once again on my both feet in my new "fortress" in Antwerp, Belgium. Literally the other side of the world of my former home in Kauai, Hawaii.

I feel 100% secure and confident that this is exactly where I need to be - for now - and I feel grateful to be able to share with You, in a new way, through starting this new Blog.

Here are THIRTEEN TIPS that help One build up a new sense of security and getting back on track in a New and Better Life. I pray they may nourish your soul:

ONE - Embrace a Winner-Mentality

It can be challenging when things (have to) change and shift, when certain things or people or environments (have to) dissolve from One's Life. And One can easily get lost in staying stuck on the idea that "One is loosing everything, and is left with nothing" - or the "Why me?" downward spiral.

Shift from a "victim-mentality" to a "winner-mentality": by remembering that when things change, it is because Your Soul is ready and willing to evolve. Your Heart has been working hard behind the scenes to manifest this change, so a more resonating life can emerge.

Change is good.

When You allow it to be.

Allow Yourself to be reborn. Allow Your Life to be rejuvenated, reinvigorated.

Holding on to the past never serves anyone. Accept that things have been or are falling apart and look at your life through a new mind:

When all is falling apart ... It really is just rearranging to a better outcome .

As hard as it may feel or seem to be. As "blank" as the page of Your future seems to read in this moment: let the falling apart happen. Let Your Life do what it does best: LIVING. And to Live is to Evolve. And Evolution is about celebrating change and embracing the unknown.


The more You do this, the more Miracles can enter into Your Life and open new doors in the most unexpected moments and ways.

TWO - Reflect & Set Priorities

As You are coming into a deeper Self-Empowerment through realizing that change is taking place for the better; start reflecting on how Your life has been until this very moment.

Reflect on the good moments and the bad ones. Reflect on your achievements and Your failures.

And embrace all of it without judging yourself. Simply observe and be real about it. Truthful.

The fact that You are Here*Now - Reflecting - means that You are doing great, and that You are exactly where You need to be. Reflection is the confirmation that the past is in the past and that You are - in this very moment - transcending to the New: the IMPROVED NEW.

So BE REAL about your reflection; let it show what works and what doesn't work for you.

Scratch off the list what clearly didn't serve.

Add to the list what makes You feel Whole and Complete.

And then act upon it: BE BOLD and set new priorities according to your new list.

Your New Priorities are the Building Blocks of Your New Life.

THREE - Eat Healthy... In Ease

Diet is essential during Transformation and Rebirth.

When your daily life is falling apart, your body and your cells feel this. They respond to this.

This is why many get illnesses or burnouts during these times; not because the body is in stress as things are changing, yet because Your Body is asking for a new routine and specific nourishment.

Your body is readjusting to be able to live the New Life that is coming : Nourish it .

Your Life is asking for a new chapter, so your physical body is asking for new nourishment: Listen to Your Body - more than usual. It may ask for a detox or cleanse of some sorts... or on the contrary; it may ask for more dense and grounding foods - depending on the nature of your transformation.

Listen to what Your Body needs, not to what "others" say You should eat.

If You feel to change Your diet; do so. Don't procrastinate.

Whatever Your Body is requesting; eat wholesome and fresh organic foods as much as possible, and drink lots and lots of water, juices, teas, ... to support the cell regeneration towards Your New You.

As much as healthy food is of the Essence, remember that stress is Health's worst enemy.

It is sometimes better to have an occasional slice of pizza, than to stress about "needing to eat a 100 % vegan diet". Be kind to yourself, yet aware.

FOUR - Motivation & Inpsiration

Get yourself a motivational fitness coach at the gym, sign up for new yoga classes with a yoga teacher that inspires your soul, try out a completely new sport with a like-minded group of people, find free and inspirational workout videos on YouTube ... whatever feels excited to Your Heart.

Exercise helps the body to release toxins, so you feel better and more energized to start fresh.

Exercise also assists the Mind to Focus on what is necessary in the now moment, as it relieves any form of depression, negativity and stress due to the endorphins created.

Strengthening and stretching the body allows your cells to evolve and expand, so that they can draw in the New: your New Life, your new and more Improved You - the better version of You.

Connecting with an exercise coach or group - online and/or offline - helps You to stay motivated, and rise above Your limitations. Your body can do more than You think; let it be strong, let it be flexible, let it support You and take You further on Your Path. Let it be Free; allow it to move in ways it has never moved before.

You can do it!

FIVE - Rest in Love

Sleep is imperative to your health, well being and happiness.

Never underestimate the importance of a good night's sleep!

As Your entire being is readjusting to a new life, Your body needs time to allow this readjustment to take place. And most of this happens during your sleep; as when you are not moving or thinking or eating or... your body has the ability to use all its energy towards cell regeneration - and DNA upgrade.

Nourish Your body, Your Heart and Your Spirit by allowing them to Rest in Love .

Set up a regular sleeping pattern; go to sleep and get up every day at the same time.

A minimum of seven hours sleep is required to let your body do what it needs to do, yet listen to your unique body's needs. During an extreme Rebirth, you may need less or more sleep - temporarily. Try to be as consistent as possible with a regular sleeping pattern.

SIX - Dream Big

You are entering a new chapter. A clean slate. The canvas is wide open for You to use any kind of color, medium and shape. Dream Big. Dream Wild. Be Free. Reinvent Your Life, Yourself.

Whatever is shifting, changing or dissolving, is in fact creating space for You to draw in something new that makes you shine even brighter.

Envision a new future. In this moment it doesn't matter if this particular vision will be possible or not. What matters in this moment is the reawakening of your inner dreamer, your inner creator, your inherent manifestation skills. Everyone has them, whether One is conscious of it or not.

We are dreaming our future in every single moment. Every thought, every feeling, every focus, every decision, creates the next now moment. So here You are, Dear One, and the field is wide open for You to manifest something amazing.

Let Your Heart Roar so that Your New Life can be Beyond what was.

Dream Big, and then surrender into it. As soon as you focus on a new vision, the entire universe starts conspiring to make this become a reality. So let go and be open to receive what comes; as what comes will be even beyond your wildest dream that you just put in motion.

SEVEN - Celebrate Change

True, change is not always easy or pleasant. Sometimes it feels more "normal" to stay in the comfort of the past habits, environments, thought patterns and belief systems.

Yet the only way out of the old and into the (better) New - is through.

Moving through the motions of the uncomfortable feeling.

The uncomfortable feeling of the unknown.

Allow yourself to think in a new way:

"I Welcome Change." - "I Celebrate Change." - "I Love Change."

The Magic You Seek exists within the Challenges You are ignoring.

Open those uncomfortable doors, look at it as an adventure, a treasure hunt.

Because moving through the unknown, always holds a huge reward at the end.

Trust that it is Worth it.

EIGHT - Experimental Expansion

Do something You have never done before, preferable something that "scares" you a little bit. Something that makes your heart tremble of excitement. This can be bungee jumping, traveling alone to a new place, learning a new language, going on a blind date, starting a business, starting a new course, ...

Expanding your horizons in this way, brings a deep stimulation to your unconscious belief systems and opens them up to see new possibilities and connect with your higher potential.

This allows your consciousness to remember:

Anything is Possible .

The world is yours. even though society may make it seem that there are limits; remember that your body is free to do and choose what it wants to do. Celebrate your life as a physical being on Earth, by exploring new experiences - even if it's just a tiny thing you do once - so that you can feel YOU CAN.

This will allow you to BE READY when the new comes in.

That True and Better New that is meant for You; Your New life.

NINE - Expand Your Network

Just like trying new things, allow yourself to connect with new people.

Every person is unique, and therefore has a unique view on the world and on life.

Connecting with new people allows you to expand your horizons; and see new possibilities and potentials to live your life and make your dreams come through.

Expand your network with like-minded and kind-hearted souls that are supportive and positive.

Dare to connect with those that you otherwise wouldn't naturally connect with. Allow yourself to be surprised by the variety of mentalities, philosophies and visions available in the human being.

Explore a new culture, a new religion, a new philosophy...

Let Yourself See New Ways and Expand Your Consciousness .

This may result in you perceiving things in a new way - through which you can understand better the Why and the How of change and evolution.

TEN - Self Care / Alone Time

You are restructuring your life. You are becoming the best version of You.

And no-one but You truly knows what is best for You.

Honor Alone Time so You can Listen to the Voice of Your Intuition .

When One is restructuring, rebuilding, manifesting... One is somewhat in a more vulnerable space, as One is neither in one world or another. One is in the "In Between" space. Therefore, every energetic and physical input affects One more than usual; One is more receptive and influenceable when One is not fully anchored in a certain stability.

This is why it is of upmost importance to MAKE TIME AND SPACE for extra Self Care and extra Alone Time; so You can hear more clearly the sound of Your True Heart's Voice, and not become influenced by what others think you should do: because then you are creating their dream life, not yours; which will end up eventually in another necessary and rather unpleasant Rebirth...

Take time to Honor Your True Self and strengthen the connection with Your Heart. As Your Heart's voice - Your Intuition - is the only One who can give you your most valuable guidance.

ELEVEN - Appreciation & Gratitude

When things are falling apart, it may become very difficult to appreciate the life that "is left" after the break-up, after being fired, after loosing your home, after a miscarriage,... this is where the Art of Appreciation and Gratitude comes to the rescue.

Try to find the little things in life that bring warmth and comfort. Is it the little bird that signs every morning? Your cup of tea in the evening? That one friend or pet that gives unconditional love? That random person on the street who smiled at you? A memory of the past where you experienced something amazing? The fact that You are Alive?

Allow these little (or grand) things to be appreciated even more, so their energy can radiate warmth throughout your life. Be grateful and send your warmth back to these things as well. This exchange of Gratitude and Love will keep You Going Strong - no matter what - and push through into the New.

TWELVE - Keep Your Focus On The Now & The New

There will be moments that you will be reminded of the unpleasant or pleasant past.

This is normal and ok, especially for learning to accept and appreciate more what happened and what is now. Yet when One gives it too much energy, it will keep pulling One back into past cycles and patterns, and not allow One to evolve.

Take a deep breath - appreciate these moments - no matter what - and then breathe out and let it go. Let them inspire you to keep moving forward. If it was a good memory; "I will experience this again in a new way". If it was a bad memory; "I will take responsibility and never let this happen again".

Focus on the Now. You are Here*Now - in this very moment - not in the past.

The Past does not Define You . The Now Defines You .

And the Now is New within each moment, within each breath.

Stay focussed on what matters - Now.

Clear out your house, your computer, your phone,... from any objects, pictures, scents, etc. that remind you too much of the past that no longer serves. Everything holds energy, and those items of the past keep energetically pulling you into the old vibrations.

Redecorate your home - if possible. Rearrange the furniture. Paint the walls. Clean up the attic, the cellar, go to the littlest nooks to clean and clear your space. Maybe you even want to relocate. Maybe you want to change your wardrobe. Maybe you want to change your hair.

Make sure your space is able to invite and reflect the New.

genetic key code alchemy - rebirthing

THIRTEEN - Seek Support to Embody Your Authenticity

Last but not least; even though You are the only One who can create Your Life in the best way for You, Remember that YOU ARE NEVER ALONE.

There are amazing people on this planet who offer great support systems to help You through any rebirthing phase. Seek out someone that resonates with Your Heart, and take that step to reach out.

I personally have been successfully helping people to Rebirth, since 2012.

And for this I have created a completely new methodology: GENETIC KEY CODE ALCHEMY - Which is my DEEPEST SECRET in how I am able to stay balanced during a Rebirth, Transcend and keep Manifesting NO MATTER WHAT.

Genetic Key Code Alchemy (GKCA) is a very powerful tool, particularly effective during a Rebirthing phase OR when One intentionally wants to ignite a Transformation on any level in One's Life.

GKCA empowers Authenticity; so unlike many therapies out there - that ask You to be a certain way in order to "heal" or evolve - GKCA stimulates You to become ever more Your True Authentic Self, Empowered and Sovereign, Radiant and Alive, Inspired and Ignited.

Transforming Your Life and Your Self is of course much more complicated than only taking these thirteen steps. A personal coach can help You to look deeper, and find the steps You need to take, Authentically. I offer various options for You to work with the transformational powers of GKCA:

1. ARAINA HAVEN - Membership

The Araina Haven Membership is an exclusive online portal where I offer bi-monthly collective Genetic Key Code Readings that inspire personal and Authentic Evolution.

You also have access to the Araina Metamorphose Course; with Genetic Key Codes, Guided Meditations and a Journal/Planner to support your daily routine.

2. A Personal Session with me

You can book a private session with me, wherein You will receive a Genetic Key Code Reading. Herein we will tune in deeply to Your Personal Experience, and see how your spiritual, emotional, mental and physical body can realign towards feeling better and motivated to move forward in life.

I only do one reading per day, as before and after the actual online session, I will be doing metaphysical alignments during several hours, for you to receive the full upgrade.


ARACEAE is the Araina Academy of Embodied Ascension for Evolution; an online mystery school wherein I initiate people within Genetic Key Code Alchemy.

Following a Course of six months in ARACEAE is a very powerful and thorough way to make a Quantum Leap in Your Life, and truly Transcend into your Higher Potential.

To inform about joining, please book a FREE discovery call. In this call I will be answering any questions regarding ARACEAE and give you all the information to prepare and join.

4. Tatau Ceremony

Las but not least, I offer Genetic Key Code Alchemy in a Sacred Tatau Ceremony - a very deep and transformative tattoo session, which includes a Genetic Key Code Reading as well.

Having a GKCA Tatau, allows the energy of the codes to merge deeply within your cells, and become a strong guide and support on Your Journey of becoming the best version of You.

For more info, click here:


Mahalo - Thank you - Dearest Reader, for being here!

I pray that these tips have given You inspiration and awakened motivation to keep going and become the best version of Your Beautiful Self.

Let me know in the comments below how You are doing, and which Rebirth is taking place in your Life right now.

Thank You for liking, sharing and subscribing to my new blog - I look forward to share much more...

Within Love and Respect,

AhnÄ—Yah Yahrin

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