Araina Essence - CORE HARMONY - Gold Line
The Araina Essence *CORE HARMONY* is a powerful alchemical elixir based on the Genetic Core Key Code of Harmony - a high frequency Essence for those seeking a deeper physical balance and harmonizing One's True Self within daily life.
Araina Essence CORE HARMONY from the Gold Line is a potent alchemical elixir that works to restore physical balance and help you embody and harmonize Your True Self into Your daily life. This essence helps You to be more truthful, live truthfully, accept Your true nature, and build an (inner) sanctuary where You can live in deeper clarity and harmony. Made with 100% love, care, and devotion, this Essence assists in taking conscious steps towards a more authentic, fulfilling life.
This Essence holds the Genetic Core Key Code of Harmony: assists in the balancing and embodiment of the Physical Body and the clarification of One's ever evolving Truth to become embodied in deeper harmonious expereinces.
Made within absolute love and care - in a very devoted ceremonial presence of 6 months - this essence contains a very highly finetuned alchemical quality.
Benefits Araina Essence - CORE HARMONY:
- Helps One to embody One's Higher Self into the Earthly daily life
- Assists in the clarification and restructuring of One's inner and outer Sanctuary/Home, in order to feel more safe, secure and nurtured
- Harmonizes the physical body - thorugh helping One see more clearly the connection between physical diseases and their emotional/mental/spiritual causes
- Assists in feeling more grounded int he present moment
- Harmonizes relationships - as it helps One to feel more harmonious within the Self
- Brings up a deeper Truth; and clears anything which does not serve this Truth
- Helps One to accept what is, in order to gain more Clarity and see the Truth of the situation
- Helps One to accept One's True Self within every moment
- Helps One to be True to One's Heart - no matter what
All Araina Essences come in the high quality MIRON VIOLET GLASS; guaranteeing a long preservation of Your Araina Essence, both physically as energetically.
Available in stock bottle 10ml or 30ml.
All prices are tax included.
A stock bottle will last you a very long time (10ml = possible up to 3 months continous use); You can use directly from the stock bottle, however it is advised to dillute this essence into dosage bottles to enjoy a longer term use. You can find all information on how to make the dosage bottle and how to use the essence here:
How to use Araina Essences: