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The Nature of Genetic Key Code Tatau

by Maestra AhnėYah Yahrin

Garden of Araina offers an exclusive tattoo experience, that is unique in the world.

Maestra AhnėYah Yahrin provides a private and intimate space for You to come closer to Your True Self and transcend into Your Authentic Mastery - ever evolving - through the powerful healing Alchemy of the Genetic Key Codes combined within a sacred Tatau Ceremony.


This results in an upgrade of Your Consciousness and Being - Your DNA - unveiling the profound mysteries of Inner Alchemy, Self-Discovery and Embodied Ascension. Wherever unwanted energies are blocking the natural freedom within You, AhnėYah will perform exorcisms to release Your Spirit into higher Grace and deeper Remembrance.


She Graciously Honors Integrity and Authenticity within All, wherethrough all ceremonies provide the opportunity for You to gain Clarity, Awakening, Healing and a greater sense of Soul Sovereignty - for the Benefit of All That Is.


The activating Genetic Key Code Tatau Ceremony will leave You feeling more Self-Empowered and Supported to connect ever deeper within Your True Self - Beyond - able to graciously evolve in Life within a greater sense of Purpose and Inner Peace.


Benefits of a Genetic Key Code Tatau

Receiving a Tatau Ceremony is a holistic experience that will bring benefits

for a lifetime and beyond. When approaching this Embodiment Medicine with
Integrity and Care, You can expect the following benefits:


Reconnecting within

Your True Authentic Self.


Exorcising of destructive or

addictive patterns on any level.


Feeling more grounded and

Secure in Your Essential Purpose.


Transmuting of karmic chords and

patterns towards True FreedOhm.



A sense of deeper Inner Peace

and mental Clarity.


Feeling Self-Empowered and
Re-Activated / Rejuvenated.


Expansion of Consciousness; uncovering Inner Wisdom.


Eternal Support and Protection on Your Authentic Path of Mastery

Connect Within Beyond

Genetic Key Code Alchemy was originated by AhnėYah Yahrin in 2012. Since, she has been performing many ceremonies in different ways, connecting the Genetic Key Codes within her client's DNA.

The Codes offer a "gateway" to One's Authentic next level of Consciousness, of Being, of Innerstanding the All That Is. 

The Yahrin Philosophy holds the Focus on the Ever Evolving Presence of the Universe and Beyond - wherein One realizes One Is One Within the Absolute and simultaneously One is Co-Evolving within the Infinite Nature of That Which Is within the "No Space No Time" continuum. 

Life is Infinite, and One's Being is just One expression of All which is possible within the Now. The Genetic Key Codes open up One's Awareness to Higher Purity, Clarity and Grace - for the Benefit of All That Is.

Aroma Incense
Metaphysical "Surgery "

A Genetic Key Code Tatau is 99% Metaphysical Surgery

(= Quantum Activation), and 1% physically visible tattoo


The alchemical energy work is the main purpose of this ceremony and the visible tattoo itself is the "Seal" of the DNA upgrade; offering eternal integration of the Higher Wisdoms as well as Divine Protection within One's Authentic Embodiment.


The Ceremony begins in the moment that One has confirmed the booking. The "YES" has then been solidified in the Quantum Field, and the energies of the Genetic Key Codes will start weaving within One's Inner Being.

Maestra AhnėYah Yahrin is connected with You in the Metaphysical from that moment onwards, until the Ceremony is completed, even when You are not physically present together.​ Once You arrive at her temple space, the Quantum Activation intensifies and the final "operation" is performed to bring One into the New.

Placement , Shape , Size

The Genetic Key Codes come in many shapes and forms, of different sizes, and can be adjusted to One's personal requirements. There is infinite possibility; One can have a Tatau just the size of a penny, or have more codes combined to fill a complete back piece.


The choosing of the Code(s) takes place after a deepening personal Genetic Key Code Reading, where You are able to see through the portfolio of all available Codes which can then be adjusted to Your Personal Process.

However big or small, they will keep supporting One for a Lifetime and Beyond; in staying True to and Empowered within One's Authentic Path of Evolution, for the Benefit of all That Is, ever more expanding within One's True Heart, One's Purity and One's Clarity.

Maestra AhnėYah also offers completely personal channeled Genetic Key Codes, which takes a minimum of two months to complete. These of course come at a different price point. When You wish this service, please contact us at


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