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Explore the Garden's FREE Meditation Music on 

InJoy the Garden's FREE meditative music which includes

Solfeggio Frequencies and subliminal Yahrin Sanariyahs

- With beautiful imagery of the Genetic Key Codes -

to help You achieve a sense of inner peace,

clear negative energies, and upgrade Your DNA.


Check it out and experience the benefits of the unique and empowering subliminal Yahrin Sanariyas and Genetic Key Codes by AhnėYah Yahrin:

What are Yahrin Sanariyahs ?

Yahrin Sanariyahs are Prayers of Purity that help to realign One to One's Authentic Natural State of Being, transmitted through Maestra AhnėYah Yahrin.


AhnėYah speaks these prayers within the healing frequencies of the Yahrin Language; a universal language based on a combination of many ancient healing languages (Sanskrit, Old Arabic, Old Egyptian, Old Indian, Hebrew...) which she has been able to speak fluently after her first NDE in 2012. Ever since, she has been using this language in ARACEAE, Genetic Key Code Dietas, Tatau Ceremonies and personal sessions to help realign her clients to deeper authentic embodiment and self realization.

AhnėYah was guided to offer certain Sanariyahs in subliminal form combined with solfeggio frequencies and meditative music on YouTube. Subliminal audios have been proven to beneficially influence the listener, as the messages permeate deeper into the subconscious layers without the mind interfering. All Yahrin Sanariyahs are of Purity & Grace and can only benefit Authentic Embodiment.

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