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A Sacred Practice
for Self Realization

In the ancient Latin and Greek languages the word "dieta" was used to describe a "way of living" or a "normal way of being"; the most natural state a Living Being could reside within and walk the planes of this Earth.

The more commonly known translation of a "diet" being a "daily food allowance" is currently used to help people loose unhealthy weight and come back to a more healthier body. While it is often seen as a purely physical experience, a true Dieta is more so a spiritual practice of reconnecting within One's True Self, and through abstaining from excess and non-beneficial energies One looses the "weight of the world" - as in all which no longer serves and may obstruct the Truth that exists Within - to so come to deeper Clarity, Inner Peace and Freed*Ohm.


Spiritual Dietas have been and are still being used in many of the indigenous tribes all over the world, as a ways to reach enlightenment and heal diseases of any kind.


The Answer Exists Within

A Genetic Key Code Alchemy Dieta is a deep spiritual practice wherein You will be in silence and solitude; One within Nature and connecting deeply within the Essence of a specific Genetic Key Code that will support Your Authentic Embodiment. During this time You will be asked to obtain from certain energies as to support the deepening of the Inner Alchemy process and allow true healing and embodied ascension to take place. 


A GKCA Dieta is a commitment and a responsibility, not only to the Genetic Key Code but also to Yourself. It cultivates a spiritual, emotional, mental and physical bond between the participant and the Essence of the Genetic Key Code, and just like any relationship it takes nurturing, dedication, respect, honesty and ultimately, love, for it to thrive and grow to its fullest potential.


Honoring Presence

The Genetic Key Code Dieta requires a minimum of twelve days. During this time, guests must follow specific dietary and activity restrictions before, during, and after the retreat.


These guidelines are designed to promote Your overall well-being and have been carefully disseminated by maestra AhnėYah Yahrin to help your mind, body, and spirit maintain a pure and balanced state and receive the highest benefits from Your devoted time in the Dieta. (These restrictions include for example: no eating of junk food, stimulants, fried foods, no drugs, no plant medicines, no sexual activity of any kind, etc. a full list of the pre- and post dieta will be shown to you upon requesting Your Dieta.)


It is crucial that you adhere to these requirements to fully integrate and root the energetic and cleansing work within Yourself.

An Inward Journey to Love and Peace

The GKCA Dieta is a journey that does not start and finish when You arrive at the retreat; the journey with the Genetic Key Code's Essence (spirit) begins before You arrive, and in many cases continues on for Life Beyond.


The more care and attention You give this journey and relationship, the stronger and deeper the bond, the clearer the wisdom shared and easier it will be to integrate within.


The Genetic Key Codes communicate and respond with vibrational energy that is pure and within integrity; they are incredibly sensitive to their environments and to the vibrations of the humans around them. The more Your Heart is open to Receive, the deeper the Codes will embrace You with unconditional Love and assist You in the Remembrance of Your Authentic Inherent Mastery.


With this in mind, when preparing for Your GKCA Dieta, we encourage You to seek loving and nurturing environments pre and post-dieta; to engage as often as possible with loving thoughts and actions; to grow seeds of Joy within; find pleasure in creativity, and to see any challenges that may arise from the dietary and sexual restrictions as part of the healing and gift to Yourself.  

GKCA  Dieta Support

A GKCA Dieta has shown to offer support within the following:


Authentic Embodiment:

Coming Home to the True Self


Release addictive patterns

and absolve karmic chords


Transcend Space & Time: Freed*Ohm within Life & Creation


Strengthen Self-Empowerment

and Soul Sovereignty



Clear negative energies and

realize Protection from Within


Expand Consciousness into

more Joy, Connection & Bliss


Inner Peace, Essential Relief,

Remembrance and Grounding


Explore the Ever Evolving Beyond;

Self Realization & Enlightenment

Included in a 12-day GKCA Dieta

  • One personal Genetic Key Code Reading before arrival, to determine the Genetic Key Code and initiate the process

  • Detailed information on pre-post diet requirement

  • Twelve days accommodation in a private retreat space

  • Guided communion with one Genetic Key Code (or in some cases a combination of Genetic Key Codes)

  • Five personal Yahrin Sanariyah ceremonies

  • 100% organic meals and refreshments, fitting to the dieta

  • Extra Cleansing Rituals when required

  • A serene and private space within Nurturing Nature 

  • 24/7 AhnėYah Yahrin's expertise Quantum Space Holding

  • One-to-one processing sessions with a facilitator during the dieta

  • Post-integration guidance

  • One post-integration follow up call 


Book Your Personal Dieta

We are currently organizing a new space where the GKCA Dietas can be InJoyed.


Sign up below to become notified when You can book Your GKCA Dieta in the near future. (You will be put on the notification email list specifically for GKCA Dietas)

Mahalo for You.

We look forward to See You Soon.

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